Group Project Retro

Group Project Retro

Learning Goals

  • Identify personal strengths and goals regarding communication and collaboration
  • Communicate strengths and opportunities for growth in a respectful and productive manner
  • Identify action steps for improving communication and collaboration

Project Retro Questions

  • Identify 3 things that went well. Why do you think these were successful?
    • Describe your role
    • Describe your partner’s role
    • Describe what actions/mindsets were critical to these successes
  • Identify 3 things that didn’t go well. Why do you think these were unsuccessful?
    • Describe your role
    • Describe your partner’s role
    • Describe what changes/actions would improve the dynamic

Reflection Break Down

Personal Reflection

15 min

In a notebook or on your computer reflect upon your experience of your group during this last project.

Aim to spend about 10 min on each of the above sections.

Mixed Groups of 4

20 min

In a group of 4, consisting of cohort-mates not in your project group, discuss the above questions. You may want to find a quiet space for this conversation, but please return to your classroom before the 20min is up. Remember this is a space for productive conversation to work through your experience of your group from this project. This is a time for active listening and support.


15 min

Find a space to reflect and prepare feedback for your partner on this project. Use the instructions from the Feedback 1 session to guide your response. Keep in mind the principles of specific, actionable, and kind.


5 min

A signifcant portion of your professional life will be spent utilizing skills of communication and collaboration.

With today’s conversation in mind, what are some things about yourself that you need to be aware of that will impact your success in future collaborative environments?

What action steps will you take moving in to your next highly collaborative experience?

Lesson Search Results

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