Introducing Hashes

Introducing Hashes


Ruby Doc defines a hash as “a dictionary-like collection of unique keys and their values. Also called associative arrays, they are similar to Arrays, but where an Array uses integers as its index, a Hash allows you to use any object type.”

  • What information can you tease from this definition?
  • What else do you know about hashes?

Dictionary-Like/Keys & Values

  • Hashes allow us to store/look up values by keys of our choosing.
  • In a dictionary the keys would be words and the values definitions.
  • A hash would allow us to store all of those words out of order and still be able to find their definitions.

Key Value Pairs

  • Collection of key/value pairs
  • Key must be unique
  • Values can be any object (including other arrays and hashes)


new_hash = {}
# Different syntax
new_hash =
# Different syntax with default value
new_hash =

Key Syntax: Hash Rockets

old_tv = {
  "screen size" => 50,
  "price" => 300,
  "brand" => "Samsung"

Key Syntax: Symbols

new_tv = {
  screen_size: 50,
  price: 300,
  brand: "Samsung"

Advantages of Using Symbols

  • Strings are compared character by character
  • Symbols are compared by their object_id
  • Symbols help your code run faster

Accessing Attributes by Keys

  • Symbols by themselves (outside a key/value pair) look like this: :brand
old_tv["screen size"]


Adding Key/Value Pairs

new_tv[:resolution] = "720p"

Pair Exercise

  • See instructions in lesson plan

Wrap Up

  • What is a symbol? How is it different than a String?
  • What is the advantage of using a String? What is the advantage of using a Symbol? Which is better for Hashes?
  • What is different about using symbols in Hashes?
  • Describe some useful Hash methods. Where can you look to find more Hash methods?

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