Methods & Return Values

Methods & Return Values


Below “casey” is an instance of the String class, #upcase is a method, and “CASEY” is the value that is returned.

#=> "CASEY"
  • What is a method?
  • What is a return value?
  • What is an instance?
  • How do you think the computer knows what to do when we call #upcase?


  • Sets of instructions
  • Allow us to DRY up our code
  • Allow us to work at different layers of abstraction


  • Methods take input and give us back some output based on the set of instructions they include.
  • In this context:
    • Another word for inputis arguments
    • Another word for output is return value
  • All methods return something (even if we don’t use it)
  • Not all methods take input

Methods: Syntax

def method_name(arguments)
  # instructions

Methods: Syntax Example

def greeting(name)
  "Hello, #{name}!"

#=> Hello, Sal!


Define two methods in IRB (signature and body) that will allow us to call them and get the results below:

#=> "Hope you're having a good day!"
#=> "Sincerely, Sal"

Multiple Arguments

  • Methods can take more than one argument
  • Arguments are separated by commas
  • Arguments can be any kind of object (including Arrays, Hashes, etc.)

Methods in Methods

  • You can call methods inside other methods
  • This helps allow us to think of things at different layers of abstraction
def bake_cake(cake_recipe)
  instructions  = cake_recipe.instructions
  shopping_list = cake_recipe.ingredients
  ingredients   = purchase(shopping_list)
  bake(ingredients, instructions)


Create a method letter that uses the methods we’ve already defined that would produce the results below:

letter("Sal", "Ilana")
#=> "Hello, Sal! Hope you're having a good day! Sincerely, Ilana"

puts vs. Return

def greeting(name)
  "Hello, #{name}!"

  • Enter the code above in IRB. What happens?
  • Enter the code above into a file called greeting.rb and run it with ruby greeting.rb. What happens?
  • How can we make our greeting print out when we run our file?


Create a method print_letter that will print our letter to the terminal.

print_letter("Sal", "Ilana")
Hello, Sal! Hope you're having a good day! Sincerely, Ilana
#=> nil
  • What do you notice is the difference between the return value of our letter and our print_letter methods?

Built In Methods

  • Ruby has a lot of built-in methods that we can use without having to define them
  • You are already familiar with many of them
  • These can be found in the Ruby docs online and other resources


  • How do we define methods in Ruby?
  • What is the difference in how we define a method that takes arguments from one that does not?
  • How do you call one method from within another method?
  • Why do we use methods?

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