Testing Best Practices

Learning Goals

  • Develop Strategies for file structure within the spec directory
  • Use capybara DSL to target specific elements on a page


  • within
  • CSS class and id

Warm Up

  • In your notebook, list all the methods you have used in your spec files - see if you can categorize them by capybara, shoulda-matchers, and what just comes with rails.

Organizing Files and Running Your Test Suite.

File Structure

There is a strong convention to group model tests in a directory called spec/models and to group feature tests in a directory called spec/features. Using this convention will allow you to take advantage of RSpec’s built in assumptions that all tests in /features are feature tests, and all tests in /models are model tests. Without this assumption, you would need to declare a type for each test, like this:

RSpec.describe 'this is a feature test', type: :feature do
  # If you do not use the 'features' and 'models' file structure, you will need to declare a type.
RSpec.describe Model, type: :model do
  # If you do not use the 'features' and 'models' file structure, you will need to declare a type.

Keeping with the convention of spec/features and spec/models, you can start your tests without the type declaration:

# spec/features/some_feature_spec.rb
RSpec.describe 'this is a feature test' do
  # If you use the 'features' and 'models' file structure, you will not need to declare a type.
# spec/models/some_model_spec.rb
RSpec.describe Model do
  # If you use the 'features' and 'models' file structure, you will not need to declare a type.

Spec File Names

When it comes to creating your test files in RSpec, there is really only one hard and fast rule: your test files must end with _spec.rb. If they do not end this way, when you run rspec, they will not be recognized as tests. Since there are no rules for naming your spec files, you will see a lot of variety as you review other people’s code.

From a Model perspective, the convention is to name your spec files in your model folder after the model it is testing. For example: models/song_spec.rb.

Unlike Model tests, there is no strong convention for naming your Feature test files. The ideal would be for the names of your tests to help build documentation for your application - when someone steps in to your application, they should be able to review the tests to understand what your application is capable of. If you want some guidance, or a starting place, there are two strategies that you will see used frequently at Turing.

One option would be to name your spec files to match with the headline of a user story; that could look like this: features/visitor_visits_song_index_spec.rb. This test file would then include any tests that revolve around a visitor visiting the songs index - what they see, what they can click on, etc.

A second option is to structure your feature tests in the same way we structure our view folders. In this option, your features directory might look like this:

-- features
    -- songs
    -- artists

Before :each

Up to this point, you have likely been creating the ‘setup’ portion of your tests over and over, using similar or identical setup for each test. RSpec gives you a little help with this repetition with before :each. before :each is a block that will run before every test (every it block). You can use it to create setup for many tests and DRY up your test files. It works in much the same way as the setup method in Minitest:

RSpec.describe "songs index page", type: :feature do
  before :each do
    @artist = Artist.create!(name: '1903')
    @song_1 = artist.songs.create!(title: "Don't stop believin'", length: 303, play_count: 12345)
    @song_2 = artist.songs.create!(title: "Bohemian Rhapsody", length: 540, play_count: 67829348)

  it "shows all songs" do
    visit '/songs'

    expect(page).to have_content(@song_1.title)
    expect(page).to have_content("Play Count: #{@song_1.play_count}")
    expect(page).to have_content(@song_2.title)
    expect(page).to have_content("Play Count: #{@song_2.play_count}")

  it 'has links to song show pages' do
    visit '/songs'

    expect(page).to have_link(@song_1.title)

    click_link @song_1.title

    expect(current_path).to eq("/songs/#{@song_1.id}")
    expect(page).to have_content(@song_1.title)

Specific Expectations

A lot of our expectations will make use of the have_content method:

expect(page).to have_content('some content')

On its own, this is not a very specific expectation since this is checking that some content appears anywhere on a page. We always want our expectations to be as specific as possible so that our tests catch any possible errors that may arise in our code.


One way to make your tests more specific is by using something other than have_content. The following methods could be interchanged to indicate a more specific content type:

  • have_button - is there a button with a particular label
  • have_link - is there a link with a particular label
  • have_css - is there a particular css selector (often used to verify images)


Similar to have_content, we often will want to click on something and expect some result. When we use click_on('label'), capybara will look for a link or button with a matching label. To be more specific, you can use click_button and click_link.

Targeting Elements with CSS Selectors

Capybara gives us the ability to use CSS Selectors in our tests. This gives us the ability to target specific elements just like we do when styling. We can use this in several capybara methods to make our test expectations more specific.


Let’s say we are looking at an index page that includes information about dozens of songs. We want to expect that a song’s information is showing on the page but not just anywhere on the page - we want it grouped together with the other information about that song. In effect, we want all information for each song to be grouped together on the page. To test for this, we use the Capybara method within.

within allows us to use CSS Selectors to select elements and then write expectations just for that area of the page. For example,

within('#artist-13') do
  expect(page).to have_content('content about this artist')

In this example, the within method will look for the HTML element with an id artist-13 and run any expectation only for the elements nested under that element. We can also use within to target css classes or regular elements (like a <p>tag) just like we do when styling. Most often, we see within used with css ids and classes.

find and all

Capybara also gives us the find and all methods. find will return a single element that matches a css selector, and all with return an array of all elements that match a css selector:

# => Capybara::Node::Element object. Represents HTML element with id of "song-14"
# => Array of Capybara::Node::Element objects. Represents all HTML elements with a class of "song"

Notice that HTML elements are represented in Ruby as Capybara::Node::Element objects. Now that we have access to these elements, we can check for content within those elements with:

song_14 = page.find('#song-14')
expect(song_14).to have_content('Raspberry Beret')

all_songs = page.all('.song')
expect(all_songs[2]).to have_content('Purple Rain')

Testing for sorted elements

One of the more challenging things for beginning web developers to test is the order that things are appearing on a page. If you need to have options for a user to sort an index page, you will also need to test for that!

There are several ways to test this, but the one we will show you here makes use of the Capybara all method and css selectors. page.all will return an array of the elements on the page that match that css selector, and we can use array methods to verify a specific order of those elements like this:

within '#best-users' do
  expect(page.all('.user')[0]).to have_content("megan")
  expect(page.all('.user')[1]).to have_content("brian")
  expect(page.all('.user')[2]).to have_content("sal")

In this example, we are verifying that within a tag with a css id of best-users, the first element with a class of user has the content 'megan', the second element with a class of user has the content 'brian', etc.


In SetList:

  1. Update your songs index test to use within blocks to test that the song information appears in a specific place on the page. Then, make the test pass. You will most likely need to update your view for your tests to work.
  2. Write a new test for the songs index that tests that songs are shown in reverse alphabetical order. Then, make the test pass.
  3. Create a before :each block to share setup between those two tests

Checks for Understanding

  • How do you tell within to look for either a class or id?
  • What capybara method will help you test for sorted items on a page?

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