How the Web Works, Exploration

How the Web Works, Exploration

This exploration lesson will review previous lessons on how the Internet works for web/HTTP traffic, and ask some reflection questions. Please submit your answers using the Google Form provided.

Lesson Review

Please review this lesson

Additional Exploration

HTTP Status codes are used heavily in RESTful architecture. There are conventions around verb/resource and status codes that “should” be used. Find some resources online that specifically talk about RESTful routing and HTTP status codes.

Next, check one of your projects and see how well Rails or Sinatra manages those status codes for each of those 8 routes.

Questions to answer via Google Forms

  1. What are the parts of an HTTP request?
  2. What are the parts of an HTTP response?
  3. Name the different parts of the entire DNS workflow.
  4. Which status codes are typically returned for all 8 RESTful routes?
  5. Which status code is returned when a Rails controller calls redirect?
  6. Any reflections on whether Rails or Sinatra follow popular RESTful status code returns?
  7. What do status codes in the 200-299 range mean?
  8. What do status codes in the 300-399 range mean?
  9. What do status codes in the 400-499 range mean?
  10. What do status codes in the 500-599 range mean?

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