Sinatra versus Rails Exploration


First, clone down the Rails project:

git clone rails_project

And then clone down the Sinatra project:

git clone sinatra_project

Now cd into each project, run bundle on each project, and you’re ready to go. We will only be looking at the code base and not interacting with the app. If you wanted to run the server and interact with the app, you would need to create your database, migrate your migrations, etc.


  1. Take a look at this stripped down Sinatra app and this stripped down Rails app. How are they different and how are they similar? Identify 5 differences, and for each one describe 1-2 implications. What effect does that difference have for each framework? If you don’t know exactly, draw on your knowledge and experience and make some educated guesses/inferences. Also, practice your research skills to look into the differences.

  2. Consulting blogs and commentary you find online, identify 3 similarities between Rails and Sinatra.

  3. Consulting blogs and commentary you find online, identify 3 things that distinguish Rails, advantages.

  4. In your Rails project, what does the routes.rb file inside of the /config directory do? What does this correlate to in our Sinatra app?

  5. We teach Sinatra by adding some structures that Sinatra doesn’t need, but help you make the transition between Sinatra and Rails. What does a stripped down implementation of Sinatra look like, and what are the pieces we’ve added for educational purposes?

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